Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Essay Example for Free

Inn on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Essay (1)The first thing I would do on the off chance that I discovered I would have been emptied from my house is begin crying. Realizing that I will be isolated from humankind I will likewise start to get insane, recognizing what happens too every one of these individuals at the camps families enduring and loosing each other by being isolated and executed will annihilate me. The most recent hours I have at home I will pack not many of my garments, toothbrush, cash, weapons and a diary not a journal on the grounds that IM A MAN! For what reason would I pick to bring a diary as opposed to everything else I may presents you may be believing is on the grounds that since I am a man I presumably will remain alive and get the opportunity to expound on my day by day battles I will have in the internment camp. I would be driven out behind my telephone, my PC, and for the most part the entirety of my hardware since I wouldn’t need to chance being followed. My rundown uncovers that I’m going to be feeble without every one of my things that I live on day by day this departure will change as long as I can remember and family. I really don’t accept the Japanese Internment analyzes to the Holocaust, despite the fact that everybody has their option to their own feelings I don’t accept they look at. Since such a significant number of more Jews were murdered during the Holocaust then Japanese being executed in the camps and no offense yet the treatment the Jews were given from the Germans were route harsher than the U.S to the Japs. The Japanese had less camps and were given better treatment like food they were sent to these camps so the U.S. could see them and ensure that they weren’t spies. The Jew were sent to the camps and immediately set to work offered numbers to speak to when they were close to be executed.  Both sides of the internment were one U.S. getting included was a smart thought or a terrible one. The United States placing generally Japanese into internment camps can be viewed as an impractical notion since American is known for the Land of the Free. The U.S. placing most Japanese individuals into camps is definetley illegal it makes individuals question is America actually the Land of the Free? Clearly we know as we read America was simply attempting to be sheltered as of now, in light of the fact that in 1942 Roosevelt signs a Relocation in the United States since they accepted that the Japanese were a danger to America. We were battling against them right now and they just didn’t need dangers since they believed that despite the fact that they came to America they despite everything are goingâ to offer data to Japan. That’s why in the book we saw Keikos previous instructor be removed by the â€Å"FBI† in light of the fact that they accepted he was a go vernment agent. They despite everything got a training, made a low compensation and were given food in these camps it wasn’t like they were being slaves. I trust it was a smart thought for America to get included I figure they did it astutely too they gave the Japanese camps where they would remain at and have their life I know you’re going to compose however it’s not a similar they are being compelled to move yet right now they were being blamed for being spies and doing awful things. A few people additionally simply moved to America and where placed into a camp where they can get a spot to live, cash and food as opposed to living in the city. It’s additionally just Japanese individuals so you’re with your sort. I surmise I’m utilizing a Jewish perspective on the grounds that in our religion we should just wed Jewish individuals so I consider this to be something worth being thankful for being all together, yet in addition we gain from before.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

T cellB cell collaboration in the immune response to infection Essay

T cellB cell coordinated effort in the insusceptible reaction to disease - Essay Example It is alluded to as vague since it for the most part endeavors to stop the spread of a wide range of intruders. (Kuby, 1996) The last kind comprises of two classifications: cell-interceded insusceptibility and counter acting agent intervened (humoral) resistance. It is the more grounded one of the two sorts yet takes a few hours or even days to turn out to be completely enacted. It is alluded to as explicit on the grounds that it reacts contrastingly to each other outside pathogen. (Hariharan, 2006) Lymphocytes, a class of White Blood Cells, are an essential piece of the procured invulnerable framework, being answerable for the entire response. They are created in the essential lymphoid organs and afterward move to the auxiliary lymphoid organs where they perceive antigens of outside bodies by the assistance of film receptors explicit to the antigens. Two significant classes of lymphocytes partake in the procured insusceptibility: B-Cells (B lymphocytes) and T-Cells (T lymphocytes). (Alberts, Bray, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Watson, 1994), (Linnemeyer, 1993) Antecedents of T-cells start in the fetal liver and yolk sac during the early stage life, and move deep down marrow after birth. The immature microorganisms at that point enter the thymus by chemo taxis and form into T-cells which are later particular into CD4+ (aide) cells or CD8+ (cytotoxic) cells. (UNC-SOM, 2004) Development On entering the thymus, T-cell forerunners (prothymocytes) form into T-cells that show both CD4 and CD8 atoms on their films and afterward keep on demonstrating either CD4 or CD8 particles. The cells having antigen receptors for self proteins are obliterated by aptosis (customized cell demise). This forestalls autoimmunity. Then again, the cells having antigen receptors that don't respond with self MHC proteins are likewise slaughtered as this causes the unequivocal determination of T-cells that do respond with MHC proteins. (Stadnyk, 2007) Elements of the MHC proteins incorporate positive choice of T-cells just as introduction of remote body antigens to them. (NIAID, 2003) General Function The Helper T-cells actuate lymphocytes called macrophages and other T-cells engaged with the safe reaction, and help B-cells in delivering antibodies by cautioning them and deciding the kind of immune response to be created. (NIAID, 2003) 2) B-Cells: Starting point Antecedents of B-cells move from the fetal liver deep down marrow where they remain and experience development all through the grown-up life. They don't require thymus for their turn of events. (Levinson, 2004) Development Improvement of B-cells happens in two stages: antigen-autonomous stage and antigen-subordinate stage. In the first stage, foundational microorganisms of the marrow separate into B-ancestry and forebear B-cells. The forebear B-cells multiply into antecedent B-cells which requires the microenvironment provided by the encompassing stroma. Cells of the stroma discharge various cytokines, above all IL-7, which help in the development procedure. Further

Monday, August 10, 2020

1 of the 101

1 of the 101 In my last entry, I mentioned that I had a bunch of things I wanted to do before I graduate and one was to get through this list.  Last weekend, I made a little more headway on this goal by tackling Item #51: Eat at Mikes Pastry. Mikes Pastry is one of many bakeries and cafes in Bostons North End and is well-known for its delicious cannolis. Over the course of my time at MIT, Ive had many treats from Mikes Pastry but, as I realized last week, Ive never actually been there. This is what motivated me to venture out to North End two Fridays ago and for the first time, visit Mikes Pastry. (I *actually* wanted to go to the North End mainly to eat at Giacomos Ristorante, which has ridiculously awesome Yelp reviews   Mikes Pastry was kind of a kill two birds with one stone dealio). As expected, the cannoli (chocolate chip flavor!) was amazing :) Anddd, Im probably going to go back this weekend (and maybe actually get into Giacomos this time). One of my favorite aspects of the North End is its proximity to other fun/eventful locations like  Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market. The area is filled with little stores, street artists, places to eat, historical tidbits, and more. Faneuil Hall has special significance to me, because thats actually where I became a U.S. citizen :) In other news: (1) I had my first test of the semester this morning in 7.06 (Cell Biology). Meh. Not really that sure how it went. (2) On a happier note, I had brunch recently with some of my favorite Camp Kesem  peeps: andddd Thats about it for now more updates after this weekend!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Mis Sop - 798 Words

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE I have always believed in the credo â€Å"If you set your sights for and the intention to do hard work is strong, your feet will carry you there†. It is to this belief that I attribute all, my accomplishments till today and my passion to study further. Life for me is a dynamic process demanding one to be on the move always. No goal is beyond my reach because I believe that â€Å"If a man wants to do something he will find a way otherwise he will find an excuse† I was given training in the basics of the operation and the applications of the computers during my school days. I was constantly taught different concepts of computer in different levels at high school. The various concepts that I am thorough with, in school, are†¦show more content†¦I have compeered at the national level technical symposium at college. I have presented an award winning paper on â€Å"Network Routing† at a national level technical symposium, TAKSHATI, 2011 and was the runner up for quiz competition at technical symposium held at VNR VJIET. Restricting to one area of study with tremendous competition around is not very helpful and the versatility of courses in this program amazes me and fosters my keenness in joining this program I believe that this program along with my determination, hard work, perseverance and dedication will help me overcome all hurdles in my future in my future endeavors. Rapidly advancing technology do necessitates mastering of a particular area. Hence I intend to pursue graduate study in â€Å"MIS†. MIS program provides the kind of exposure needed to broaden my thinking and undo my insular prejudices that might be still prevalent in me. In a university of such confluence of people from every culture, nationality, religion and ideology, I am sure that exposure to these kinds of diverse influences would aid in the overall development of my personality. I also believe that I have better chances of updating and scaling up my knowledge in your University through this program. I aver that I shall work to the best of best of my capabilities and utilize every opportunity given to me in the best possible way. I will be much obliged if I can be admitted into the program, which has eminent professors, state-of-artShow MoreRelatedSop for Ms in Mis1058 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The value of an idea lies in the using of it.† -Thomas Edison. I have always believed in the power of ideas. Coming from an engineering background I have always been fascinated by the application of ideas to the betterment of our lives. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Failures Of The Reagan Presidency - 1680 Words

Andrew Pierce American Presidency May 6, 2015 Professor Mark Scully The Failures of the Reagan Presidency President Ronald Reagan, the man who is accredited with ended the forty six year cold war was elected on Nov. 4, 1980. Reagan won his election with fifty percent of the popular vote over former President Jimmy Carter who had forty one percent. While Reagan as a president is praised for such successes as strengthening the national defense, stimulating growth in the U.S. economically, and as mentioned before he is considered the President who ended the Cold War. President Reagan had achieved many things by the end of his administration, but just as he had many successes his presidency was plagued with shortcomings and a handful of what could be considered flat out failures. The purpose of this writing is to establish and identify the ‘cons’ or failures of the Reagan administration, and provide a brief description of each different aspect of the administration. A good place to begin would be in regards to Reagan’s administration and his communication with said administrators or better the lack thereof. President Reagan’s style of administration was regarded as a ‘hands off’ approach in which left him out of a lot the specifics in decision making other than just making the decision of yes or no to a certain degree. The reliance on his administration to make most of the decisions for him ended up creating some issues small and major such as the Iran-Contra scandal. Reagans unShow MoreRelatedRonald Reag A Beloved American President869 Words   |  4 PagesRonald Reagan was a beloved American president. However, he didn’t represent the prodigious archetype all citizens should follow. Reagan declared that the â€Å"government isn’t the solution to our problem† rather, â€Å"the government is the problem†. He decried that years of new deal-style tax- and- spend programs created a federal go vernment that reminded him of a create who was all appetite at one end with no sense of responsibility on the other. In essence, he argues the government undermined one majorRead MoreJimmy Carter And His Foreign Affairs1305 Words   |  6 PagesOn the other extreme is Jimmy Carter, president from 1977 to 1981. Ranked last for both his foreign affairs and his overall presidency, Carter left the Oval Office a very unpopular man. Carter’s sole accolade came from the Camp David Accords of 1978-9. Carter invited Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian prime minister Anwar Sadat to Camp David, the presidential retreat, to work out an agreement. Carter played a major role in the negotiations, mediating a dispute that resulted in a peaceRead MoreEssay about Rhetorical Analysis: â€Å"the Challenger Address†704 Words   |  3 PagesStates, Ronald Reagan. Americans had high expectations of the space programs which intended to provide the United States a great sense of achievement. The significance of the space program lies in essence in which symbolized American glory in science and technology. (Lambright) Therefore, the audience of Reagan’s speech was American public; those who had experienced the tragic national loss of seven American astronauts resulted from the failure of space regime. Evidence of Reagan constantly involvingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis: the Challenger Address 720 Words   |  3 PagesStates, Ronald Reagan. Americans had high expectations of the space programs which intended to provide the United States a great sense of achievement. The significance of the space program lies in essence in which symbolized American glory in science and technology. (Lambright) Therefore, the audience of Reagan’s speech was American public; those who had experienced the tragic national loss of seven American astronauts resulted from the failure of space regime. Evidence of Reagan constantly involvingRead MoreThe Liberal Ideas Of Fdr s New Deal Essay1378 Words   |  6 Pageslittle domestically. At the end of his presidency, he encountered one of his worst failures. Carter supported the Shah of Iran, a cruel dictator hated by his citizens. When the Shah came to the United States for his cancer treatment, anger spurred in Iran. Iranians attacked the United States Embassy and fifty-three hostages were imprisoned. They weren’t released until the turning point turn of American conservatism; The inauguration of Carter’s successor, Ronald Reagan. The miserable economy and disappointingRead MoreThe Presidential Election Of The United States1507 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1980 presidential election of the United States featured three primary candidates, Republican Ronald Reagan, Democrat Jimmy Carter and liberal Republican John Anderson. Ronald Reagan was the governor of California before he decided to run for the presidency. John Anderson was a representative in Illinois and Carter was the incumbent. The lengthy Iran hostage crisis sharpened public opinions by the beginning of the election season. In the 1970s, the United States were experiencing a strainingRead MoreReag A Successful Presidency1557 Words   |  7 PagesSince Reagan experienced such a successful presidency, due to his conservative policies accomplishing their goals, many liberal-minded people switched their views. After the conservative success of the early and mid-eighties, the amount of people who views themselves as liberals decreased. 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Ronald Reagans father, Jack Reagan mostly sold shoes. He was a part owner of a shoe store. His mother worked as a sales clerk and seamstress at a local dress shop. Ronald did have a brother his name was Neil, he was a couple years older than him. Ronald Reagan did have a great education, He attended high school in nearby Dixon, and after that he decided to go and attend collage over in EurekaRead More Ronald Reagan, Reagan by Lou Cannon Essay1183 Words   |  5 Pages Cannon, Lou. Reagan. New York: Putnam, 1982. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lou Cannon has covered Ronald Reagan for thirty-six years, first as a reporter for the San Jose Mercury News, later as the White House correspondent for the Washington Post. He began with covering Reagans first campaign for governor of California in 1966 and continued until Reagans recent death in 2004. His other books on Reagan include Ronnie and Jesse: A Political Odyssey, Ronald Reagan: The Presidential Portfolio, President

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Coming to America Free Essays

Coming to America Narrative Essay College Writing I My name is Angela S. Baez, and you can call me Angela. I am from the Dominican Republic. We will write a custom essay sample on Coming to America or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this essay I would like to tell you a story about my experience in coming to the USA. I was very happy when I found out my daughter and I received full residency status from the USA. We would be moving to New York City Sometimes, I felt nervous, because it was my first time to go to another country, which used a different language than my country. I also had to leave my family for a long time. However, I tried to keep strong and calm. I knew it was a good choice to move to the U. S. We departed from my hometown (Montecristi) to Santo Domingo on April 12, 1993 at 7:00 a. m. I went by and got there four hours later. In the airport, we went to the American Airlines counter and checked in for my daughter and me. We went through security. It was really empty because it was very early. After that we went to our gate. We walked around the airport and took a seat to wait for a while. I took my daughter to a cafeteria to eat some food and a soda. We were very early so we had time to walk. Two hours later, we went back to the gate to board the plane. I am sure that my daughter had no idea what was going on, and luckily she was a very quiet child, so I was not nervous. On the plane, I found our seats and sat down and buckled our seat belts. I had never been on a plane before. When I realized that in a few moment we were going to be on the air, I was nervous. But I had to look calm, for my daughter, and for everyone else. The pilot introduced himself and said that the flight from Santo Domingo to New York was going to take 4 hours. The flight attendants stood at the front of the isles and demonstrated the safety precautions as the plane began to get speed. I began to pray, because that’s what I do when I get nervous. When the plane took off, I was relieved, that nothing bad happened. Soon after that my daughter fell asleep. She was tired and cranky from being awake since so early in the morning. I could not fall asleep because I was still very nervous. Those had been the longest 4 hours of my life. When the plane finally landed in New York, I remember everyone cheering and clapping. We had made it to America. I looked through the window and saw a place completely different than what I had ever known. I immediately started to feel the chilly weather of New York. I had never experienced cold temperature, but I came prepared with a light jacket and sweater for my daughter and me. When we got off of the plane, it was a brand new experience for me. I was now in a country that I had never been to before, and where I did not know the language spoken. I was nervous that I would not be able to communicate with anyone. After going through customs, I found my husband. He hugged us cheerfully because he had not seen us in two years, since our daughter was born. He had moved to the United States in the 80’s in search for a better future, for better opportunities for his family. After he hugged us, he took us outside the airport to the car. It was really cold. The airport was about half an hour away from what was going to be our new home in the Bronx. I looked at the city through the window and did not like what I saw. The city. It looked brown and ugly, and the trees had no leaves yet. That April was especially cold for me. Moving to the United States was a difficult experience for me. At first I felt like I had no family. I only had my daughter and my husband. But things have changed for the better, and if I were not living here, I would not think that my family has a bright future waiting for it. How to cite Coming to America, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Income statement free essay sample

Does the new sales and distribution strategy make sense from an operational standpoint? Consumers have to deal with distributors for contacts, but with BL for other items confusion for consumers BL has more cash and fewer assets in inventory better for BL Gives them financing (steady cash flow on promissory notes and profits) for other goods Allows them to engage in other goods Advantages: Marketing resources immediately freed up to focus on the disposable contact lens market Lower SGA expenses with new distribution plan Less inventory held by BL for conventional lens, more in receivables Possibly lower distribution cost due to shipment consolidation (only shipped to distributor (32 of them) instead of shipping to final customer location) Disadvantages: Damage relationship with distributors by forcing them to buy the product at high volumes Additional expenses of new product (unknown) 1. What is the impact of the December 1993 shipments of conventional lenses on the 1993 financial statements? Is it significant? There was a $22 million inventory sold to distributors which provided BL with positive net sales. Acting as a financial project adviser to Kuang, my responsibility is evaluating the different sources of finance and providing information on the implication of finance as a resource in the business. Indentify the sources of finance available to business All businesses need money to start up and pay bills. Kuang needs more financial sources to support his company’s establishment in Vietnam. Depending on the size and development stage of business, the selection of appropriate sources of finance is important to success. Start up stage In the initial stage, Kuang and Mottram can make use of some kind of financial sources below: Partnership, Co-founder (between Kuang and his friend – Paul Mottram, Executive Vice President of Bite Asia Pacific This is the most feasible solution for Kuang and his friend where they can be together to raise money from each person’s saving. Government loan â€Å"is a sum of money given to an individual or business for a specific project or purpose. A grant usually covers part of the total costs involved. However, as long as the individual or organization keep to any conditions attached to the grant, it will now have to be repaid†. The advantage of this source of finance is firms may not need to be repaid though spending closely checked. However, in Vietnam, it is very difficult and requires company to persuade the government. Issue shares: Kuang and Mottram can raise more money by issuing shares to shareholders (friends, families, etc). Issue shares can raise a large amount of money and it is never repaid, but it is for listed companies and only shareholders are paid dividends. Expansion stage Bank loan is a debt, often with interest for a set period within an agreed repayment schedule. Often, bank offers this loan service is essential because almost businesses don’t have available financial resources they need to create a purchase. Kuang borrows ? 9,000 from the bank and he has to pay ? 375 interest per month. Retain earnings: This financial source is only carried out in the second year, when Kuang’s company has profitability. With the retain earnings, Kuang make decisions but it reduces dividend payments and companies must achieve a sound balance between dividends and retained earnings. Issue bonds: Kuang business can issue bond to borrow money from the investors. It means that the company has to pay the interest rate periodically on the bond at the purchase value until it’s mature. This solution is good for Kuang, because the company only pay the interest for investor without concerning company’s profit. Assess the implications of different financial sources When Kuang applies different sources of finance for different stages, each financial resource will have different impacts. Let’s assess and evaluate them. Partnership with Mottram in Vietnam (two or more to cover Myanmar and Cambodia) This is the good way for both Kuang and Mottram. There is no risk to raise capital because they’ve already known each other and that is their money’s saving. For example, at begin of this year; Kuang had purchased new machinery by using his own money ? 11,000 and a loan of ? 9,000. However, the rate of contribution of each person determines the right of control of that one. There will be no dilution of control in business from the external. According Vietnamese business law, both Mottram and Kuang will be the owner of company, but they must choose one of them to be the manager. If the company gets loss or goes to bankruptcy, Kuang and Mottram must be liable for debts or loss of business. Government loan in Vietnam Each year, the Government of Vietnam issues a packet of loan for investment that offers very low interest with long-term repayment. Kuang and Mottram can take the advantage of this by applying the requirement form to Department of Planning and Investment of Hochiminh city or Hanoi. This loan is low risk but the government will consider where their money goes. However, the process of conducting the procedure is very complicate and contains some â€Å"black† fees in Vietnam. Issuing shares – Being the Public Limited Company At the present, Kuang and Mottram are partnership business. Transfer into Public Limited Company is a big problem for Kuang and Mottram. Firstly, they will be diluted of management or control because of the domination in share of other shareholders. Additionally, the company’s financial statement must be publicized and quoted on stock exchange. Company must follow the rule and also pays dividend for shareholder. However, the company can gain capital largely for business expansion. Bank loan Bank loan is a popular way of raising fund by borrowing in Vietnam. At present, Kuang and Mottram must think carefully because of the economic depression in Vietnam. Those banks tightening the lending policy and increasing the interest per annum. Kuang Company must ensure that the company makes profit and pay interest every month and also principle at the end of payment. Example: Kuang and Mottram can go to VIB Bank to ask for borrowing. From 20th Nov 2012, VIB bank will offer 9. 9% per annum for first three- months borrowing for enterprises in Vietnam. Kuang and Mottram must consider the ability of paying interest and principle to avoid the default risk and bankruptcy. Some loans carry a prepayment penalty, preventing the borrower from paying the note off early without incurring extra cost. * You will pay more if the interest rates rise. | Retained earnings| * Not have to ask for anybody for loans when need money. * No dilution of control. * It is not tax deductible * Reduces dividend payments if the manager uses the retained earnings for investments. | After identify the advantages and disadvantages based on the type of business of Kuang and Mottram at the present, I recommend two ways of raising capital for Kuang and Mottram.   Retained earnings are not applied at Kuang’s company, so I recommend this for the company. To take the advantage of corporation business model, Kuang should continue to retain the equity earnings. The company will not concern about the interest associated with the capital and the amount needs not to be repaid. This solution has a less risk than others and easily to raise funds. Bank loan: Bank loan is popular. Most of company’s asset is dominated by liabilities which could be come from borrowing from bank. Kuang should consider whether the company offer short-term borrowing or long- term borrowing for its investment in nation and international market. A lot of trusted bank in Vietnam that company should consider are: Vietcombank, BIDV bank, SHB bank, ACB bank, HD bank, VIB bank, Sacombank. Shift to PLC or corporation is also a way for Kuang to raise the capital for further expansion. Because of limited liability, ease of transfer of shares and continuity, investors are more attracted to investing in corporations rather than in partnerships of Kuang and Mottram. This attraction allows corporations to raise the capital needed to manage and expand their operations. * Raising funds by issuing share * The shareholders will suffer both loss and profit of company Assess and compare the costs of different sources of finance There are many sources of finance that Kuang and his friend, Mottram can choose; however, each source has the advantages and disadvantages that the company must analyze carefully to choose the most suitable. Sources of Finance| Cheap| Normal| Expensive| Government Loan| * Some certain administrative fees * Support by the government by tax deductible * Big amount with no interest| | | Issue share| | | * Company spend a lot of fee for administrative * The cost should allocated appropriately between equity and the profit and loss account| Bank Loan| | * Bank loans often are available, easy procedures. * Competition among banks to reduce administration costs and time. Companies can get more profit if business is maintained. | | Issue Bonds| | * Pay a huge fix interest for bondholder. However, it is tax deductible on interest, which reduces the cost of debt capital * Office fee, and administrative fee for issue bond| | Retained earnings| | Opportunities costs will be lost if we use retained earnings to pay dividends instead of investment| | Explain the importance of finance planning Financial planning is an essential process which decides the success or failure of business. It is a tool helps the company determine the current financial situation; adjust the spending pattern in order to meet the corporate goals. When started business, should be done on the basis of calculated risks in business. A good business plan will have no meaning if it does not come with a good financial plan. A good financial plan will help Kuang see clearly the opportunities and risks when the investment, this directly affects the survival of the company. A financial plan is a plan to mobilize adequate, timely and effective capital in line with business processes. A financial plan should be controlled cash inflow and cash outflow. If Kuang does not financial planning will not initiative financial sources.